Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Can You Jumpstart Wellness with The BluePrintCleanse?

When a diet becomes trendy, people often ask – will this work for me? Whether it’s Atkins, South Beach, Paleo, or the Master Cleanse, there’s always a new “breakthrough” approach to weight loss on the market.

Recently, I’ve received a lot of questions about whether cleanses can actually remove toxins from the body, re-energize the system, and promote weight loss. Celebs like Gwenyth Paltrow, Beyonce, and Sarah Jessica Parker have all come forward to rave about their positive cleanse experiences, so it seemed time to do our own experiment here at WCS to review the potential benefits and risks of this style of dieting.

As a dietitian, a cleanse would never be my first recommendation for weight loss. Eating well day in and day out is the optimal approach to total well being, but sometimes, from a mind/body standpoint, a cleanse offers individuals a way to emotionally readjust their approach to food and can set them on a path towards more mindful eating and improved health behaviors.

Our office volunteer will complete the three day, Level 1, “Renovation” BluePrintCleanse. This is the highest calorie, highest fat cleanse available through BluePrint so it seemed like the safest way to start.

Stay tuned for daily updates about the three day cleansing adventure and the official RD's analysis upon conclusion.

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